Matched Betting Offers - theMBBlogUK

Bet365 Bet £50 Get £50 In-Play

This is a great offer for a matched bettor and it is easy enough to complete. Firstly you need to bet and lay up to a £50 qualifying bet. Secondly, bet and lay the same amount in play. Usually, this is offered by Bet365 in big Champion’s League matches or top of the table Premiership clashes. If you are lucky, there might be one or two of these each month.

Unfortunately, not all players receive the full £50. Nevertheless, you might still get £5, £10, or £25 free bets offered. Outplayed teaches you exactly how to complete this offer along with many others. If you are interested in checking out their service, sign up for their free trial.

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Up to £50 free bet in-play for placing a pre-match qualifying bet on Bet365. Matched bettors can guarantee around £33 profit from this!
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