Matched Betting Offers - theMBBlogUK

2UP Offers

Ever wondered what Bet365 and Paddy Power 2UP offers are and how you earn money from them?

The 2up matched betting offers are a little more complicated. The basic premise is that if you bet on one football team to win and they go two goals ahead at any point, you will be paid out as a winner early. This leaves some great opportunities for a matched bettor. 

You can either use an ‘Early Payout Calculator’ to make a guaranteed profit or wait to see if the other team gets a goal back for a larger profit. 

Finally, you can leave everything as is and hope the other team will come back to draw or win. If this happens, you will win both your back bet and your exchange bet, which obviously will be a big profit! 

For much more detailed guidance on this and many other offers please try out Outplayed.

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Paddy Power 2up you win offer!

1 thought on “2UP Offers”

  1. Pingback: Different types of matched betting offers explained | The Matched Betting Blog UK

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