Matched Betting Offers - theMBBlogUK

Each Way Extra Place Offers

The extra place matched betting offer is more complex to complete, and I would recommend not to move on to these until you have mastered matched betting and are fast at finding, betting and laying without errors. 

Every day multiple bookmakers offer extra places in selected races. For example, Paddy Power might offer 5 places paid instead of 3 at a particular race. This means that if we back and lay both the win and place markets for that horse, if it comes 4th or 5th, we will win both the place back bet and the lay bet on the place market. 

These are tough to get and even harder to get with a low qualifying loss, but if you become adept at finding good options with this, there is some great money to be made!

For much more detailed guidance on this and many other offers please try out Outplayed.

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Extra place races offer great profits in matched betting
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